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Created in December 2017, ELAN develops and makes available digital tools, methods and techniques for the laboratory’s projects. This digital humanities engineering hub studies cross-disciplinary aspects and pools together broad tools and skills serving a wide range of scientific goals.
This group of three engineers is known as “ELAN” (Élan Digital Literature and Arts) and is part of the UMR Litt&Arts. Engineers have temporarily joined the team through funding from IDEX (CDP Data Institute) and Collex (Fonte Gaia). In addition to its work within the laboratory, ELAN also supports social sciences and humanities projects on the Grenoble site.
ELAN supports digital projects throughout their development, drawing on its expertise in:
- assisting in drafting the digital aspects of a project, thinking about and identifying the scientific objectives in advance;
- developing transcription and encoding plans;
- creating data and corpus analysis systems based on a project’s scientific objectives;
- designing and developing applications, creating visualisation interfaces.
as well as:
- training in the use of tools;
- advice on legal aspects related to data;
- participation in national networks (such as the CAHIER consortium, Mate-SHS and Omeka.fr) and collaborations with other research units;
- monitoring scientific developments in the digital humanities.
ELAN’s activities and achievements are described on a dedicated website.
To find out more, feel free to stop by the team’s office (office 319, on the 3rd floor of the MaCI), send us an litt-et-arts-elanuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (email) to set up an appointment or check out our blog!
Our team
- Arnaud Bey (IE UGA, Litt&Arts)
- Anne Garcia Fernandez (IR CNRS, Litt&Arts)
- fanny.mezard
univ-grenoble-alpes.fr (Fanny Mézard) (IE UGA, Litt&Arts)
- serena.crespi
univ-grenoble-alpes.fr (Serena Crespi) (IE UGA, Litt&Arts)
- rachel.gaubil
univ-grenoble-alpes.fr (Rachel Gaubil) (IE UGA, Litt&Arts / LiDiLEM)
- fanny.corsi
univ-grenoble-alpes.fr (Fanny Corsi) (IE UGA, Litt&Arts)
Previous team members include:
- Théo Roulet (IE UGA, Fonte Gaia project; from January 2022 to November 2023)
- Camille Desiles (IE UGA, Fonte Gaia project; from January 2020 to December 2021)
- Diandra Cristache (contractual position, 390 hours; from June to December 2019)
- Sylvain Hatier (IE UGA, IDEX Démarre SHS! project; from February 2019 to September 2021)
- Célia Marion (AI UGA, IDEX Démarre SHS! project; from October 2018 to April 2020)
- Patrick Guillou (IE UGA, IDEX Démarre SHS! project; from April to December 2018)
- Elisabeth Greslou (IR UGA, from October 2017 to October 2023)
litt-et-arts-elanuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (ELAN)
The ELAN blog (in French)
Find out
The projects supported by ELAN (in French)
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