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The Work of Letters. Around the digital edition of Proust’s correspondence
From letters to manuscripts, this colloquium, which marks the completion of the ANR Corr-Proust 1907-1914 project, is devoted to examining the role of epistolary writing in the creative process as well as reflecting on digital editions of correspondences and the possibilities offered by text mining tools.
From 25 September to 27 September 2024
Fondation Robert de Sorbon (Paris), École Polytechnique (Palaiseau) and École Normale Supérieure (Paris)

Annie Ernaux, prix Nobel : pour une autre histoire littéraire
Conference by Laurent Demanze, professor of contemporary literature and head of the É.CRI.RE centre, as part of the "Avenue centrale. Rendez-vous en sciences humaines" series organised by MSH-Alpes.
Tuesday, May 14, from 12.15pm to 1.15pm
MSH-Alpes amphitheatre + live broadcast on the MSH-Alpes YouTube channel
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