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Aristophanes after Babel: Plutus in Translation from the Early Modern Period to the Present Day

The aim of this conference (in English) is to examine the reception of ancient Greek drama in translation practices and theories from the early modern period forward. It is the fifth event in a series spanning the translation of ancient Greek drama in the early modern period. The series is the result of a collaboration between the Université Grenoble Alpes, Oxford, Paris XIII, and UCL.

Thursday, May 30 - Friday, May 31
Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation

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Tour de Babel


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Annie Ernaux, prix Nobel : pour une autre histoire littéraire

Conference by Laurent Demanze, professor of contemporary literature and head of the É.CRI.RE centre, as part of the "Avenue centrale. Rendez-vous en sciences humaines" series organised by MSH-Alpes.

Tuesday, May 14, from 12.15pm to 1.15pm
MSH-Alpes amphitheatre + live broadcast on the MSH-Alpes YouTube channel

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