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The Imaginary and Socio-Anthropology

Visuel centre Isa


The Imaginary and Socio-Anthropology research centre is a new multidisciplinary facility, created through the merging of the Centre for Research on the Imaginary (CRI, EA 610), founded by Gilbert Durand, Paul Deschamps and Léon Cellier in 1966, and the Grenoble Sociology Laboratory Emotion, Engagement, Culture, Knowledge (EMC2-LSG, EA 1967).

It has a socio-anthropological focus, understood as the interdisciplinary study of man as a historical and cultural being, in relation to a natural and social environment. It was founded based on the observation that human beings do not exist without imagination, representations, discourse and desires (i.e. ideology), and it is a collective imagination that shapes the Anthropos in its intercultural dimension. Based on diachronic and synchronic approaches, the unit will explore relationships between nature/culture, individual/collective as well as sensitive/intelligible and affect/intellect.


Research projects


Ce projet, porté par le laboratoire DYPAC (UVSQ / Paris-Saclay) et Litt&Arts (UGA), est lauréat de la dernière édition de l'appel à projets Emergence de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay.

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L’imaginaire des langues

Séminaire ISA

Le séminaire du centre de recherche ISA permet une réflexion théorique autour du concept d’imaginaire et le suivi de la recherche internationale sur la question. Il repose sur une pratique collective de la lecture critique et se propose l’approfondissement de thématiques ou de problématiques annuelles, décidées collectivement.

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Submitted on 8 November 2023

Updated on 8 November 2023