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The Enlightenment, Altermodernity, Romantic and Stendhalian Studies

Visuel centre Charnières


The CHARNIÈRES research centre brings together approximately fifteen research professors and PhD students. It seeks to publish, analyse, interpret and promote texts and cultural practices that have emerged from the Enlightenment to the present day, by making connections between periods, genres and uses.

At all these levels of research on literary crossroads, the members of the centre strive to demonstrate the continuities that are woven into a culture, across the artificial boundaries set by periodisation, disciplines, and various media. They also try to make sense of the transformations, dilemmas, and variations specific to each moment, place and participant in these cultural evolutions. The researchers’ work—like crossroads (charnières in French)—aims precisely to link shifts and bifurcations, while bringing together aspects that too-narrow approaches tend to separate.


Research projects (in French)

Femmes d’hier, femmes d’aujourd’hui

Ce séminaire proposé par CHARNIÈRES donne la parole à des femmes qui rendent compte de leurs pratiques créatives à travers la relation à une écrivaine du passé ou à un personnage romanesque féminin qui a compté pour elles.

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Submitted on 3 November 2023

Updated on 17 November 2023